This week we have looked at question making with the verbal suffixes –t and –wapka. As you learn new material, you should be going back over the old...
Month: July 2020
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Today we will finish the 6 types of questions with the sentence using the –wapka suffix.The sentence is: mbosant ni lilhanks pawapka. Tomorrow I...
We have looked at a couple verbal suffuxes and made a question for each of those suffixes Now, I would like you to make a new sentence other than...
We will be continuing with verbal suffixes and how we can make questions with them. Today's suffix is: wapka. The suffix can be used under a large...
This week we will be looking at some familiar verbal suffixes and making questions with these suffixes The first verbal suffix will be: -t. This...
Walking On: Obituary for Tonya J. Miller
Ms. TONYA J. MILLER, 59, lost her long battle with cancer on July 6, 2020 in California. Tonya, was born on August 24, 1960, in...