Treaty of 1864

The Treaty of 1864
Sovereignty is the right, power and authority to govern. The Klamath, Modoc and Yahooskin Paiute Tribes have inherent sovereignty – sovereignty bestowed upon us by our Creator when we were placed here, and affirmed by the willingness of our people to be governed by our own laws. Our sovereignty predates the sovereignty of the United States, having existed for thousands of years.
NOTE: There were 27 original signers of the Treaty of 1864, however, a photo was not taken at that time.
ORIGINAL 1864 TREATY SIGNERS INCLUDED: La-lake, Chil-o-que-nas, Kellogue, Mo-ghen-gas-kit (also known as Moses Brown, Klamath Headman, from the Klamath Marsh), Blow (also known as Henry Blow, Klamath Indian), Lalo (a Klamath signer), Palmer, Jack, Que-ass, Poo-sak-sult, Che-mult, No-ak-sum, Mooch-kat-allick, Toon-tuc-tee, Boss-Ki-you (also known as Allen David, Klamath signer also known as Bo-co-pa in the Klamath language), Ski-at-tic, Shol-lal-loos, Tat-tet-pas, Muk-has, Herman-Kus-mam, Jackson, Schon-chin (also known as Old Schonchin, brother to Schonchin John, Modoc Indian), Stak-it-ut (also known as Tom Chocktoot, Paiute Indian Chief), Keintpoos (also known as Captain Jack, Modoc Indian), Chuck-e-i-ox (also known as Njakeaks, Modoc Indian), Kile-to-ak (also known as George Modoc Johnson, Yahooskin Snake Indian), and Sky-te-ock-et (also known as Pete Chocktoot, Paiute Indian).
*This treaty was signed in the presence of: R.P. Earnhart, Secretary; Wm. Kelly, Captain First Cavalry, Oregon Volunteers; William C. McKay, M.D., and Robert Biddle. In 1870 the Klamath Tribes Treaty of 1864 was ratified and proclaimed by the U.S. Senate and President Grant of the United States of America.