Administration Department

Home >> Administration
George Lopez

George Lopez

General Manager

Office Location:
501 Chiloquin Blvd. Chiloquin, OR 97624

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 436 Chiloquin, OR 97624

(800) 524-9787 or (541) 783-2219

(541) 783-2029

Administration Department

Tribal Administration implements Tribal policy through departments. The Klamath Tribal Administration is headed by a General Manager who is responsible for the management of a $5 million budget and the basic functions of Tribal organization. The direction of departmental programs is focused on the creation of opportunities rather than creating dependency. 

Tribal Administration also provides support services to conduct tribal business which includes accounting and budgetary information for tribal government, internal communications, and publication of The Klamath News, property, facilities, personnel management, and grant writing for tribal program development. In the future, although Administrative personnel will stay near its present level, Tribal Administration will have greater responsibility for record-keeping, vital statistics, public information, and program coordination and integration role.

Download The Klamath Tribes Administration Organizational Chart
Approved by Tribal Council 10/13/2021