Early Childhood Development Center

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Early Childhood Development Center

Early Childhood Development Center

(541) 783-0804

Office Location:
318 South Chiloquin Blvd
Chiloquin, OR 97624

For more information

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Early Childhood Development Center

The mission of the Klamath Tribes Early Childhood Development Center is to provide quality, comprehensive child care that addresses educational, environmental, social, and cultural needs of all those who attend the center.


Early Childhood Development Center Programs

The Klamath Tribes Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) offers the following programs for your child care needs.



Child Care Program

Early Childhood Development Center

Family Home Care and other Providers

01. Child Care Program

The Klamath Tribes Early Childhood Development Center serves as a child care hub in order to provide
services to families that meet a wide variety of needs. Families enrolled in the program have a choice in
the selection of a child care provider based on their unique needs. Options include care provided by a:

  • State Certified Center
  • State Certified Family Home Care Provider
  • Tribally Operated Center
  • Tribally Registered Family Home Care Provider
  • Find Child Care Near You

    Please contact us if you have any questions about child care options.

02. Eligibility

Do you need help with child care? The Klamath Tribes Child Care Program may be able
to help. Here is how you may qualify:

  • Member of a federally recognized tribe or Klamath descendant with children
    under 13 years of age.
  • Reside in Klamath County.
  • Have low income.
  • Working/looking for work or attending a job training or educational program.
  • Receive or need to receive protective services.

    If you can answer yes to the above, fill out a Child Care Application located on the main
    page. All interested families are encouraged to apply.

03. Enrollment
01. Early Childhood Development Center

The Early Childhood Development Center strives to offer both high quality child care that meets the needs of families as well as enriching early education opportunities for children ages 0-5. Since opening in October of 2016, ECDC has provided quality and age appropriate activities with the goals of revitalizing Tribal culture and language in addition to providing an early education experience that prepares young children for Kindergarten entrance. We are open to serve children Monday through Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm year-round. The center is run on multiple funding sources including the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF), Early Head Start (EHS), Administration for Native Americans (ANA), and Preschool Promise. Through the USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), we provide all students with a nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack at no cost to families. ECDC also serves as a child care hub in order to provide child care needs to families that might not be met by the Tribal-run center alone. Please refer to the Child Care Program tab for more information.

2. Meet ECDC’s Classrooms

m’ecm’ecl’i is our 3-5 year-old classroom staffed by Preschool Teacher Kootsie Cunial, Teacher’s Aide Laurice Foster and Teacher’s Aide Kaelee Barrick. This class serves up to ten 3-5 year-olds.
(include class picture, staff bios coming soon)

woyGanks is our second 3-5 year-old classroom staffed by Preschool Teacher Terri Lawrence and Teacher’s Aide (Floater) Kristie Griffin. This class serves up to ten 3-5 year-olds.
(include class picture, staff bios coming soon)

joyjoyl’I is our 0-3 year-old classroom staffed by Infant/Toddler Teacher JJ Montoya and Teacher’s Aide Eunice Lewis. This class serves up to eight infants and toddlers.

3. Current Newsletter
4. Annual Center Calendar
5. Menu Cycle
01. Family Home Care and other Providers
02. Interested Providers

Are you interested in becoming a child care provider for the Klamath Tribes? If so, please contact the Early Childhood Development Center for information.

If you are interested, the State of Oregon does not require licensing for some types of child care. Child care is exempt from State regulations if:

  • Child care provider cares for three or fewer children, not including their own children.
  • Care is provided by someone related to the child(ren) by blood, marriage or adoption.For State exempt providers in Oregon, Tribal standards will apply. Some of these standards include, but are not limited to:
  • Provider must favorably pass a background check.
  • Provider must be age 18 or older.
  • Home must be clean and sanitary.
  • Provider must have First Aid and CPR Card (Pediatric & Adult)
  • Provider must have Health and Safety Training
  • Provider must submit to a pre-service health and safety inspection
  • Provider Registration Form (Family Child Care Registration Form_2021.pdf)
  • Background Investigation Form (ECDC Relative Care Provider Background Authorization)
3. Current Providers

Forms needed by current providers to submit monthly payment requests for providing child care services.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. To view our full non-discrimination statement, click here.