Education & Employment Department

Julie Bettles
Department Director
Office Location:
501 Chiloquin Blvd.
Chiloquin, OR 97624
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 436 Chiloquin, OR 97624
(800) 524-9787 or (541) 783-2219
(541) 783-2029

Education & Employment Department
Vision Statement: To reveal educational and employment pathways that overcome challenges guiding eligible individuals to a successful standard of life.
Mission Statement: With respect and dignity the Education & Employment Department will empower individuals to take responsibility in their growth through a system of supportive services.
Department Goals:
- To provide assistance to eligible Tribal members and other qualified Native Americans in the development of those academic and employment skills necessary to be in par with mainstream society.
- To develop, manage and operate a tribal employment program; providing direct job services which enable Tribal members/Native Americans to secure and maintain meaningful employment.
- To provide supplemental education and cultural opportunities for JOM eligible students. To make library services available and accessible to Tribal and community members within the service delivery area.
The Education and Employment Department operates Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. (Closed on Holidays)
Julie Bettles, Education Department Director ext. 109
Kathleen Mitchell, Employment Specialist ext. 128
Sheea Scott, Office Manager ext. 115
Sherie Torralba, Education Services Technician ext. 133
Vacant, Johnson O’Malley Program Coordinator ext. 159
Hannah Schroder, Youth Initiative Coordinator ext. 111
Aralia Blackwater, Youth Transition Program Specialist ext. 210
Gaylynn Mcguire, RED Program Secretary ext. 209
Zak Jackson, Fitness Center Manager ext. 276
Cameron Shively, Fitness Center Assistant ext. 277

Education & Employment Department Programs
The Education & Employment Department administers the following programs.