Member Benefits Department

All MB Staff E-Mail
Office Location:
501 Chiloquin Blvd. Chiloquin, OR 97624
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 436 Chiloquin, OR 97624
Email Joseph Allen Jr.
(541) 783-2219 Ext. 203
Email Lisa Foster
Admin Assistant
(541) 783-2219 Ext. 203
Email Yvonne Hood
Enrollment Officer
(541) 783-2219 Ext. 160
(541) 783-7768

Member Benefits Department
The Klamath Tribes Member Benefits Department was established in 2007 for the implementation and distribution of the excess gaming revenue from Kla-Mo-Ya Casino to the Klamath Tribes eligible membership in compliance with the Klamath Tribes Revenue Allocation Plan consistent with the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988 (IGRA), Klamath Tribal law and mission of The Klamath Tribes. The distributions are made to “qualified tribal members” who for the purpose of the Plan are alive and duly enrolled with the Klamath Tribes as of December 31 of the year for which the payment is made.
Membership and eligibility for enrollment in the Klamath Tribes is determined in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Klamath Tribes. In order to receive a per capita payment, the qualified tribal member or his or her parent or legal guardian, representative or conservator must have provided the Klamath Tribes with the member’s accurate social security number and current mailing address. Social security numbers and mailing address must be received by April 15 of the year of per capita payment distribution in order to be eligible for the per capita payment distributed that same year. Distribution is dependent upon excess revenues earned during the previous year, annual distribution are made the third Friday of June.
Mission Statement: Distribute the excess gaming revenue from Kla-Mo-Ya Casino to the Klamath Tribes eligible membership in a fair, equitable, expedient and professional manner.
Vision Statement: Provide 100% of our membership with current available benefits and to seek out new innovative, creative options for new benefits.

Member Benefits Forms
Click to Download PDF Fillable Forms. Download the Free Version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Please email completed forms/applications to