Jared Hall
Office Location:
501 Chiloquin Blvd.
Chiloquin, OR 97624
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 436 Chiloquin, OR 97624
Jared Hall
Planning Director
541-783-2219 Ext. 156
Les Anderson
Transportation Program Manager
541-783-2219 Ext. 185
William Barrera
Planning Specialist
541-783-2219 Ext. 204
Michelle Carson
Transit Program Manager
541-783-2219 Ext. 175
Ron Hugulet
Transit Program Specialist
541-783-2219 Ext. 134

Planning & Enterprise Department
The Klamath Tribes Planning Department serves the Klamath Tribes’ with specific planning functions for the development and management of the 5,300+ acre Tribal land base. Develop and implement appropriate plans, projects, and real property acquisition that reflects the unique priorities of The Klamath Tribes and promote the protection and enhancement to Tribal Treaty Resources. In addition, Develop/Research Tribal transportation infrastructure for safety, access and convenience in a manner that reflects Klamath Tribal values, priorities and helps promote the development of Tribal properties and current and future Tribal operations.
- Land Acquisition:Land Search, Land Research, Develop/Review Deed, Title Status Review, Easement review, Market Analysis, Land Donations.
- Fee To Trust: Conduct Cfeds Land Survey, Land Description Review, Verify Property Corners, Certificate of Inspection and Possession, Legal Description verification, Receive proper approval to submit application to Bureau of Indian Affairs.
- Tribal Land Planning Activities: Site Selection, Site Description, Project mapping, Infrastructure Assessment, Right of Way approval, Utility Locate, Project Plan Review, NEPA/Categorical Exclusion submission.
- Tribal Transportation Program: The Klamath Tribes have a Government to Government (G2G) Agreement with the Bureau of Indian Affairs to implement the Klamath Tribal Transportation Program. This Program performs a wide range of Tribal transportation functions in accordance with 25 C.F.R. Part 170 and 23 C.F.R. Part 661Program functions include transportation planning, construction, design and engineering, develop/update Long Range Transportation Plan, maintenance, updating the Klamath Tribal Transportation Improvement Plan, traffic studies, road right-of-way acquisition, and upkeep of Klamath Tribes transportation routes (facilities) in the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory.
- Transit Program: The Transit Program operates the Quail Trial public transit service, offers non-emergency medical rides via Translink and offers rides to Elderly and disabled in the Chiloquin immediate area. The Program also assists with transporting Elders for trips, events, activities, and weekly meal sites in Chiloquin and Beatty). The Quail Trail operates nearly 80 hours per week from Monday through Friday, the Quail has five routes ranging throughout Klamath County Service Area.