We have been looking at colors recently. I thought it would be interesting to look at repeating adjective that do not describe colors. However, they behave like colors in that they too have repeating syllables.
1. loslosli=warm
2. liclicli=strong
3. limlimli=dark colored, of people having a dark complexion
4. gemgemli=calm, quiet
5. cakcakli=pointed, sharp
6. limlima=v. to drizzle
7. kalkali=round, rounded, cylindrical
8. kickicli=rough, tightly fitting
9. patpatli=flat, even, smooth
10. laklakli=slippery, polished
11.taltali=running straight
Like the colors, these will also take the -tgi suffix to mean: to become ______.
They can also be used like other adjectives.
anko mo patpatli gi. The wood was very smooth.