Reading Progress:

Word of the Day

Using the word for the month, we will complete some sentences. Use the verb dicewa or q-ai dicewa. giok=because.

q-ai ni tgopo dicewa. I don’t like January. giok hot cis gattka! Because it is too cold!

tgopo=January           lapni tgopo=June            

spelwish=February      lapni spelwish=July

datglamni=March        ndanni tgopo=August

shinaktis=April             ndanni spelwish=September

kapca=May                  lapni datglamni=October

                                     lapni shinaktis=November

                                     lapni kapca=December

If you want to say: “in January” you can use the suffix: -dat.

tgopodat hot kena. In January hot snows.