Reading Progress:

Word of the Day

gen waytas lapni shinaktis 2021 gi.

Today is April 2nd 2021.

I will make some sentences in Klamath. To complete the sentence, you will need to put the verb in Klamath in the sentence. Then translate the sentence.

ex. ni yayna ________(see).   ni yayna sle-a.  I see the mountain.

1. ni goge _________(hear). ______________________________.

2. ona i yulalona _____________(go). _______________________.

3.  ona sa ____________(returned).  ____________________________.

4. mbosant sa wac ___________(will get). ________________________.

5. lobini giulank ni won ___________(ate). __________________________.

6. gen waytas woyganks ______(am). _______________________.

7. gen litgi ni litgi pas _____________(will have). ___________________________.

8. sandi giulank ni yawqal _____________(heard). __________________________.

9. ndanni tgopo giulank nad ___________( gathered huckleberries). ____________________________.

10. tanni i wac _______(have). ________________________________.