Reading Progress:

Word of the Day

I am going to go over the first 10 of the verbal suffixes again because if I go on without doing it, it will not get done.


domna + t=domnat

ni goge domnat. I can hear the river.

2. -wapka=will

domna+ -wapka=domnawapka

mbosant ni goge domnawapka. Tomorrow I will hear the river.

3. -ota=while + verb meaning +ing

domna + -ota=domnota

goge domnota, ni lilhanks pan. While listening to  the river, I ate some deer.

4. -ok=because of + verb meaning + ing

goge domnok, ni lilhanks pan. Because of listening to the river, I ate some deer. 

5. -ank=please + verb meaning

goge domnank coy lilhanks pan. Please listen to the river and eat some deer.

6. -ank=after + verb meaning + ing

goge domnank, ni lilhanks pan. After listening to the river, I ate some deer.

7. -opka=want + to + verb meaning

ni lilhanks domnopka. I want to hear the deer.

8. -tki=should

ni lilhanks domnatki. I should listen to the deer.

9. -aya=verb meaning + on the ground

ni goge domnaya. I listen to the river on the ground.

10. -tamna=continue + to + verb meaning

ni goge domnatamna. I continue to listen to the river.

A. dwa i sanauli __(put a verb here)___. What do you want + + verb meaning.

What do you want __(whatever verb you use___?

dwa i sanauli pan? What do you want to eat?

B. ni sanauli _________. I want  + to  + verb meaning. This sentence structure can also be used with nouns.

ni sanauli lilhanksam coleks pan. I want to eat deer meat.

C. ni dicewa ______. I like to + verb meaning.

ni dicewa pan. I like to eat.