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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we will provide the translations for the last couple days. Remember that these are the responses to the question: dwa gen gi? What is this? 1. hot ambo gi. That is water. 2. hot qdai gi. That is a rock. 3. hot maksa gi. That is a basket. 4. hot taktakli gi. That is red....

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we will be having the Zoom meeting from 5-5:30pm. Everyone knows what will be on the meeting. It should go easy-peasy. You need to ask any questions during the meeting. dwa gen gi? This question is the doorway to Klamath. If you get it completely, the rest will be easily...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Because we are going to have the question: dwa gen gi tomorrow in our Zoom meeting, I really want to focus our attention on this question. I hope you know that this question is: what is this? The response is: hot ______ gi. That is a ____. The blank is for what you are going to...

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Word of the Day

On Wednesday, I will be hosting a Zoom meeting and I will be focusing on that . So, for this week we will be starting over again at the beginning. dwa gen gi? Imagine that I am holding something in my hand. I ask you: dwa gen gi? dwa=what? it is one of several question forms....

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we will finish our topic of Time Elements. Today the word is: tankcik. It means: then at last, at the same time, simultaneously, finally. tankcik ni kyem snoka. Finally I caught a fish. kyem snoka is one of the ways to say: catch a fish.

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we continue with Time Elements. Today's word is: tankt. It means: at a future time, in a time to come or in the future. tankt lilhanks hemkangawapka. In the future animals will talk.

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