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Word of the Day

gen waytas lapni shinaktis 2021 gi. Today is April 2nd 2021. I will make some sentences in Klamath. To complete the sentence, you will need to put the verb in Klamath in the...

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Word of the Day

Today we are going to make some sentences that I will give you the English form. Please put these sentences in Klamath. 1.  Last Friday I went to Klamath Falls....

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Word of the Day

Today is the first day of April. gen waytas lobini waytas shinaktisam gi. gen waytas=today lobini=first waytas=day shinaktisam=of April gi=is gen waytas lobini waytas shinaktisam...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we will work on adding Time Elements to our sentences. We are going to add: ona=yesterday gen waytas=today mbosant=tomorrow gen psekst giulank=this afternoon lobini...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Using the word for the month, we will complete some sentences. Use the verb dicewa or q-ai dicewa. giok=because. q-ai ni tgopo dicewa. I don't like January. giok hot cis...

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