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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

On several occasions people have asked me how to make  nouns plural. My response has always been that this is one of the big problems in Klamath. Not because there is no way...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

We have been looking at some sentences lately. We will look at the same sentences in a different light. That new light will be questions. The first question we will look at is...

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Word of the Day

March 16, 2021 dic mbosant nanokens! Good morning everyone! ni maksa embli. I am carrying a basket.   Today we will continue with the sentences we have been working with. If you...

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Word of the Day

Today we will continue with some of the sentences we worked on last night in the Zoom meeting. Make a translation of the sentence and respond. slewis domna. 2. ni bok gi. 3....

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we will continue with sentence completion. I have two sentence structures to show you. Each of these can be completed with other verbs. So, get out your Klamath, Nouns,...

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