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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Since there are several new people in the Zoom meeting, we will start again at the beginning for them and as a review for the others. A sentence is made from a Subject-the thing...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

We are going to build new knowledge of Klamath by building on what we already know. We are going to combine a sentence in " if" with some of what we just learned. he i lacas...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

We have seen how the suffix -opka can be used and that it has the same meaning as : "sanauli."  So, it can use the same sentence structure as : "sanauli'" uses. Two sentence...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today's word is a verbal suffix. It is used in place of a full verb. The suffix is: -opka. The suffix -opka can take the place of the verb sanauli. It expresses " want" as it is...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we are going to look at two verbal suffixes. The suffixes are -tki and -yega. Suffix -tki is used to indicate that a strong is intended by the verb. It is something...

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Word Of the Day

Word Of the Day

Today we will look at a verbal suffix. It says a lot what life was like for our ancestors. They had a way of asking "Please." This suffix goes onto any verb. It is the suffix...

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