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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Our three verbs today are: shuta=do, make; gena=go; wola=ask. shuta is a verb that needs to have an object even if it is "it." Can you find a noun that can be used in a sentence...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Last night we had a good Zoom Meeting-5pm-5:30pm. It went well and I want to thank those who came and participated. Today we will continue with the third group of three verbs and...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we will look at the 2nd group of three verbs: ambodga-thirsty, bonwa-drink and pan-eat. As before we will use ni-I as the subject in the sentence. There are two types of...

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Auto Draft

Auto Draft

Greetings everyone! Yesterday's computer issues have been settled. Today I would like to look at the verbs on the handout: "Klamath nouns, verbs and non-nouns. I will attach the...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

dic mbosant nanokens! Good morning everyone! gen waytas tonipniks gi. Today is Friday. Using the handout I am attaching, translate and agree or disagree. Say yes or no (found on...

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