Notice of Availability – Draft Environmental Assessment: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has completed a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) evaluating the potential environmental impacts of the Klamath Tribes’ proposal to construct a Public Safety Department modular building, parking area, and storage area adjacent to existing tribal facilities on Chiloquin Boulevard (the Proposed Action). NEPA requires that federal agencies consider the effects of a proposed action and any reasonable alternatives on the human environment. The Draft EA describes the proposed project, defines the resources located in the project area, evaluates the potential impacts of the Proposed Action as compared to the No Action Alternative, and summarizes applicable mitigation measures. No significant impacts are expected as a result of the project.
The Draft EA is available upon request. Please send an email request to The Draft EA will be provided in electronic format unless a hard copy is specifically requested.
Project Title: Klamath Tribes Public Safety Department Modular Building Project Proponent: U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance
Project Location: Adjacent to Klamath Wellness Center and Klamath Childcare Center, near the intersection of Chiloquin Boulevard and Chiloquin Highway.
Purpose of the Proposed Action: The purpose of the Proposed Action is to provide a permanent centralized facility for the Klamath Tribes Department of Public Safety, which includes the Police Department and Game Enforcement. The Klamath Tribes established the Department of Public Safety in 2021, but there is currently no centralized headquarters for the Department to conduct its operations and accommodate its growing staff. It currently takes approximately 30 minutes to transport an individual who has been arrested to a facility for processing.
Proposed Action Description: If implemented, the Proposed Action would include building a 2,160-square- foot modular building on a 0.75-acre site. The proposed building would primarily serve as a location for processing, and would include offices, a dispatch center, evidence storage, interview rooms, training space, secure records storage, a weapons locker, equipment storage, and an emergency management center. The site is in close proximity to connections for water, sewer, and electric utilities.
Between 30 and 40 Lodgepole Pine trees are estimated to be removed from the project site, a new foundation between 2,500 – 3,000 square feet would be installed, and excavation would take place for the water, sewer, and electrical connections to the new modular building. The total ground disturbance is estimated to be between 7,000 to 9,000 square feet. The total area of ground disturbance would include work for the modular building, fencing, parking, sidewalks, and a storage area. Between six to eight staff members would operate out of the Department of Public Safety modular building on a regular basis.
Public Comments: BJA is accepting comments on this Draft EA from January 16, 2024, through the end of the day of February 14, 2024. Comments should be submitted by email to, or mailed to The Clark Group LLC, 137 Elm Street, Montpelier, VT 05602. For more information, contact
Date of Posting: January 16, 2024