Date: May 30, 2023
Contact: Ken Smith, Public Relations Director,
541-783-2219 ext. 147
Tim Sexton, Klamath Tribes Fire Program Manager,
541-783-2019, ext. 154
Dillon Creek Fire Quickly Burning Itself Out
CHILOQUIN, Ore. – On Saturday, May 27, crews completed firing operations to secure firelines on the Dillon Creek Fire.
The fire now covers an area of 3,119 acres. Fire effects were very good overall, with a mosaic of burned and unburned. The fire, which was first discovered on May 20, is quickly burning itself out naturally, helped by great overnight humidity recovery and a little rain on Monday afternoon. They will continue to mop up, fall hazard snags and use IR cameras mounted on drones to check for spot fires and areas of heat in the interior of the fire. Risk of escape is extremely low.
The Dillon Creek fire organization is downsizing resources significantly. Camp is gone, and the fire has been turned over to a local ICT4 organization. Remaining resources will include 2 crews, 3 engines, 2 water tenders and a complement of local lend/lease engines. Traffic control on the Silver Lake Highway will remain in place a few more days due to dense smoke pooling on the roadway each evening.
The fire has a 50-foot perimeter of mopped area along the Forest Service roads, and 100 feet adjacent to Silver Lake Highway. The perimeter and most interior roads have been evaluated for snags, but if you visit the incident once it is open to the public, please do so with caution.

On Saturday crews completed firing operations to secure firelines on the Dillon Creek Fire, which is quickly burning itself out after being discovered May 20. (Photo by Tim Sexton/Klamath Tribes. Image available for media use.)