Reading Progress:

Word of the Day

Today we will continue with the verbal suffixes we began the other day.

The starting sentence is: ni lilhanks domna. I hear a deer.

By adding suffixes to verbs we will examine the changes that take place in the sentence we are using.

1. The suffix is -ok. This suffix explains why somethings is happening.

lilhanks domnok, ni honks slin. Because of hearing the deer, I shot it.

2. The suffix is-ota. This suffix explains that one action occurs at the same time as another action.

lilhanks domnota, ni honks slin. While hearing the deer, I shot it.

3. The suffix is -ank. This suffix explains that this action occurred before the action of the main verb in the sentence.

lilhanks domnank, ni honks slin. After hearing the deer, I shot it.