Today we are going to look at a couple more sentence structures that can be easily completed.
1. The first sentence structure we will look at is: I want______.
ni _______ sanauli.
As we did yesterday, the blank can be filled to complete the sentence. In this case, it can be filled with anything you could want.
wacak=dog, posis=cat, wac=horse, cis=home, lacas=house, qdocis=rain, kes=snow, pata=summer, salam=fall, sqo=spring, loldam=winter, labok hoccnotkis=pair of running shoes, … the list goes on and on.
2. The second sentence structure we will look at today is: I have ____.
ni ____ gi.
The blank can be filled with anything you have.
wacak, posis, wac, cis, te-ini genotkis=a new car, lacas, gela=land, …