Today we are going to work with numbers a little more. We will all make our birthday date in Klamath. You can then make the birthday dates of the people in your family. I will give you the months of the year so this this information is handy.
Right hand Left hand
tgopo=January lapni tgopo=June
spelwish=February lapni spelwish=July
datglamni=March ndanni tgopo=August
shinaktis=April ndanni spelwish=September
kapca=May lapni datglamni=October
lapni shinaktis=November
lapni kapca=December
My birthday is September 17th, 1957.
So, we take the month-in this case ndanni spelwish.
We can add the suffix -dat to this month. That gives: ndanni spelwishdat.
17 is: tewnip ant lapksept. Now, we use the suffix -ni. Here it is used to create the ordinal number in Klamath. The -th number
tewnip ant lapkseptni=17th.
Now we add the phrase: I was born-ni giulga. To put it all together we get: ndanni spelwishdat ni giulga. I was born on the 17th of September. The year does not change.
ndanni spelwishdat 1957 ni giulga. I was born on September 17th, 1957.
Now you try it.