I thought that before we move on to another topic, it would be a good idea to have a review of what we know or can do with these adjectives.
We can make nouns of them.
1. loslosli=warmth The noun would be losloslis=warmth
losloslis loloksam mo dic gi. The warmth of a fire is very good!
We can make the adjective into a verb.
2. lostgi=became warm.
lacas lostgi. The house became warm.
3. We can use the adverb kecca with the adjective
ni kecca loslosli gi. I am a little bit warm.
4. We can use the adverb kecca with the verb lostgi.
ni kecca lostgi. I became a little bit warm.
5. we can use adjective with shuta to mean: made warm.
ni loslosli shuta. I was made warm.
There are a couple more ways to use these words but this is enough for now.