Yesterday we looked at the -ota suffix with its two actions in this sentence happening at the same time. Today we will look at the Gerund which has as its second verbal action one that occurs before the verbal action of the main verb.
The Gerund has as its verbal suffix -ank. It is not the Gerund of English. The Gerund of English is a noun. This gerund is similar to the Gerund of India and Greek.
A very good translation for tis Gerund is the phrase: after+ verb + ing.
genank is the Gerund of “gena.” It means: after going. The Gerund can not take a subject, but it is often used with an object.
yulalona genank, ni litgi pas pan. After going to Klamath Falls, I ate dinner.
The two clauses of the sentence really don’t need to be connected by the inner content of the sentence. The action of the Gerund occurs before the action of the main verb of the sentence.