Today we will have a few new words and sentences with them in them.
kcalga=to radiate light, give off heat warmth cause a sunburn.
The 1st noun of this verb is: kcalgis. It can mean: ray of light, heat, warmth or a sunburn.
A good sentence here that comes to mind is: loloks kcalgis kcalga.
What does it mean? _______________________________________________________________________
Another interesting verb is dinega. It means: set, go down as the sun, moon or stars.
The 1st noun of this verb is dinegis. It means: sunset, moonset, starset or the Orient as in Asia.
psin giulank sabas dinega. ___________________________________________________________.
What does it mean?
The 1st noun of that verb is: dinegis. It can mean: sunset, the Orient
psin giulank sabas dinega.
What does it mean? _____________________________________________________________________.