Reading Progress:

Word of the Day

Yesterday I mentioned that I would discuss another meaning for the -is suffix. If I move on without doing that, it will be a long time before I can come back to it. So I will do it now.

The -is suffix (1st noun) can mean a concrete meaning for the verb it comes from.

example: gattka is the verb that means “cold.”

ni gattka. I am cold.

This can also mean: the cold.

ni loldam gattkis dicewa. I enjoy the winter cold.

I will give some examples of this other meaning of the 1st noun.

1. aniga=order or advise someone

anigis is the 1st noun of this verb. It means: the person who gives advice or the one who gives an order. Or, it can mean the advice or the order.

i nis dic anigis sewana. __________________________________.

2. e-alga=to read

e-algis is the 1st noun of this verb. It can mean: a  reader or it can mean the thing that is read.

ni e-algis gi. ____________________________.

3. ena=to carry

enis is the 1st noun of this verb. It can mean the person who carries something or the thing carried-a burden.

hot enis  ena. _______________________________________.

4. gakwa=to cross

gakwis can mean the person who crosses or the place crossed-or ford.

ni plaikni goge gakwis gena. _______________________________________.

5. gulindsa=to go down into

gulindsis can mean the person who goes down into a place or it can mean the place someone went down into.

ni gulindsis gi. _________________________________________________________.