We will be moving on to a new topic. That topic will be noun suffixes. Today’s 5 suffixes are the most used and seen suffixes. Word order is also very important as the subject and object nouns can look very similar.
S + O + V.
The standard word order is Subject + Object + Verb
Subjects are expressed by -s.
1. example: lilhanks wacak sle-a. ___________________________________.
Objects are emphatically expressed by -as.
2. wacak lilhanksas sle-a. ____________________________________.
Possession is expressed by -am.
3. nil lilhanksam mecmecli gi. ___________________________________.
nil=fur, hair, skin
4. A part of something is expressed by -ti. A part of a pig is pork, bacon, ham=gosoti.
hot lilhanksti dic masa. __________________________________.
5. The location in, at, on is expressed by -dat.
lilhanks yaynadat gi. _____________________________________.