By making questions, applying verbal suffixes and changing out the nouns in the sentence for other nouns, any person can make a vast...
Month: November 2020
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Word of the Day
We are going to continue with sentences structures that will provide many sentences. It may seem obvious but the next sentence structure is: ni ____...
Word of the Day
We are going to focus on structures that will maximize the number of sentences we can make. we are going to start with dwa i sanauli-what do you...
Word of the Day
Today we will continue with and complete the verbal suffixes. In today's suffixes is one of only a few specifically Modoc suffixes. Like yesterday...
Word of the Day
Today we will continue with the verbal suffixes we began the other day. The starting sentence is: ni lilhanks domna. I hear a deer. By adding...
Word of the Day
Everyone should pick a verb to work with. We are going to change the verb by adding suffixes to it. For demonstration purposes, I will use the verb...