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Word of the Day

I can not emphasize enough the importance of being able to make and recognize the 1st noun (the suffix -is) when it is used. Of course the word will end in -is. Today we will...

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Word of the Day

Today we will have a few new words and sentences with them in them. kcalga=to radiate light, give off heat warmth cause a sunburn. The 1st noun of this verb is: kcalgis. It can...

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Word of the Day

The single most important suffix used in the Klamath language is the -is suffix added to verbs to make what are called-agent nouns. This means the person who does the action of...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we are going to have a quick list to look at. These are all words that can be used many times over and  over. We will start with a standard verb. Then we will change...

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Word of the Day

I am going to go over the first 10 of the verbal suffixes again because if I go on without doing it, it will not get done. 1.-t domna + t=domnat ni goge domnat. I can hear the...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we will finish up with the verb suffixes. I thought it best to provide examples of the use of suffixes. 1. -iya=doing the action for another person example:...

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