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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we are going to continue with the 1st worksheet. We will be doing the nouns found on the handout: Klamath Nouns, Verbs and Non-nouns. The noun...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

We are going to work through the 1st worksheet over the next few days. This is a worksheet covering the vocabulary of the handout: Klamath Nouns,...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

We have looked at: 1. normal verb 2. verb with the suffix -t (can) 3. verb with the suffix -wapka (will) All Klamath verbs can be present tense or...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we are going to have another verb suffix. It is: -wapka. It is the future tense marker in Klamath. It most often indicates "will." ni yayna...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we are going to be making some sentences as we have been doing. Except we will add a suffix to the verb.  This suffix is: -t. It adds the...

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