Today I will be giving you the sentences of how many days are in each month.
Remember: month + number + waytas + gi.
1. January has 31 days. tgopo ndanni tewnip ant nas waytas gi.
2. February has 28 days. Every forth year February has 29 days. spelwish lapni tewnip ant ndanksept waytas gi. nanok wonipni ilols spelwish lapni tewnip ant nacqeks waytas gi.
3. March has 31 days. datglamni ndanni tewnip ant nas waytas gi.
4. April has 30 days. shinaktis ndanni tewnipni waytas gi.
5. May has 31 days. kapca ndanni tewnip ant nas waytas gi.
6. June has 31 days. lapni tgopo ndanni tewnip ant nas waytas gi.
7. July has 30 days. lapni spelwish ndanni tewnipni waytas gi.
8. August has 31 days. ndanni tgopo ndanni tewnip ant nas waytas gi.
9. September has 30 days. ndanni spelwish ndanni tewnipni waytas gi.
10. October has 31 days. lapni datglamni ndanni tewnip ant nas waytas gi.
11. November has 30 days. lapni shinaktis ndanni tewnipni waytas gi.
12. December has 31 days. lapni kapca ndanni tewnip ant nas waytas gi.