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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today I am going to give you a few words that probably aren't new but interesting. kcalga=radiating or emitting light, heat, warmth kcalgis=the light, heat, warmth...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

So, once you have determined what your sentence will be, present it to the group you are working with. You may have to say it several times-That is OK. Even if they have to write...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

We need to make a sentence for you to begin your drill. I recommend your demonstration sentence. It doesn't matter what sentence you start with. It should be short so that it is...

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Word of the Day

We are going to be changing gears-somewhat. We have amassed enough information so that we can begin to use that in speaking. We will enter an atmosphere of speaking Klamath. You...

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Word of the Day

We will be moving on to a new topic. That topic will be noun suffixes. Today's 5 suffixes are the most used and seen suffixes. Word order is also very important as the...

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Word of the Day

Yesterday I mentioned that I would discuss another meaning for the -is suffix. If I move on without doing that, it will be a long time before I can come back to it. So I will do...

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