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Word Of the Day

Word Of the Day

Today we will look at a verbal suffix. It says a lot what life was like for our ancestors. They had a way of asking "Please." This suffix goes onto any verb. It is the suffix -ank. This is one place on the list of getting someone to do something. Let's take the verb...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

The word today is a suffix used on nouns. The suffix is -la. This suffix is used mostly with reference to food. For example, the word for huckleberry is" iwam." It can be attached here with the meaning of gathering or collecting huckleberries. iwamla ona sa iwamla....

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we are going to look at one word. The word is geliak. The word "gi" has as one of its meanings: to have. geliak means: does not have. Or to be without, without, not possessed of or lacking. hot dwa geliak. He doesn't have anything. hot nanokdwa geliak. He is...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today I will be giving you the sentences of how many days are in each month. Remember: month + number + waytas + gi. 1. January has 31 days. tgopo ndanni tewnip ant nas waytas gi. 2. February has 28 days. Every forth year February has 29 days. spelwish lapni tewnip...

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