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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

The word today is a suffix used on nouns. The suffix is -la. This suffix is used mostly with reference to food. For example, the word for huckleberry is" iwam." It can be...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we are going to look at one word. The word is geliak. The word "gi" has as one of its meanings: to have. geliak means: does not have. Or to be without, without, not...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today I will be giving you the sentences of how many days are in each month. Remember: month + number + waytas + gi. 1. January has 31 days. tgopo ndanni tewnip ant nas waytas...

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Word of the Day

Word of the Day

Today we are going to be working with numbers but in a different way. We are going to be doing some simple math. The key words to know are: netna=add shiatka=divide...

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